Sunday, June 30, 2013

Diamond in the Soul


Sleep evades

thoughts permeate.

At the fork in the road

which route to take.

Both are covered with

dust and debris

but one must surely be marked for me.

A hand digs deep

to pull loose the petals that made the flower weep.

Fingers clench tightly over the loves me and loves me nots

Eyes close, heart in a knot.

The mind is shushed with determined will.

Then the first step is taken with calculated risk

One petal dropped to find the way back

Never trusting the soul to pick the right path.

Along the way there are potholes and storms

but when looking over a shoulder the path reveals

The wind has swept the petals away

Faith in them was of little consequence

It was the faith in the first step, the journey

that time spent

And to look at me now, who knows where it all went.

Shoulders are broader though their load is much lighter

The heart that was once torn has been worn like coal

to reveal the diamond within the soul.


© Copyright 2013,

Photo Credit: Diana Grigore

Friday, June 28, 2013

Lightning Rider


Ever have this feeling where you are grasping at something that only flashes before you momentarily? You see it and as soon as your brain registers it -POOF- it's gone. I feel like that today. Like everything is just a flash. Time, people, problems, solutions, hope, faith all just flashing by. The problem is getting ahold of the truth and finding the purpose in any of the aforementioned instances.

Take time for example, When you are connecting with family or friends the time just disappears or it can drag on and on. People can be loyal and steadfast, sticking with you through the best and worst of situations or you can find through cause and effect, which people were never meant to be a longstanding part of your life. Problems, meh. Everyone has them but some seem to focus on the problem while others acknowledge the problem and let it be what it is. I suppose this is where faith comes in. You either have it, moving quickly and littering faith over your circumstances or move too slowly just to watch the skies darken again. Solutions are much the same. Some immediately have solutions to any problem that confronts them while others struggle and feel weighed down as they wait for a solution to arise. And I imagine here is where hope comes in. You hope you will find a solution or that the one you've planned is the right one. Again, it's all about catching the flashes of light.

The problem with all of this is learning to find the balance of it all, I suppose. Sort of like, catching lightning and holding on. Of course this seems impossible but is it? Some have been struck by lightning and lived, others have passed on. I imagine that grasping something so powerful yet beautiful could be scary but mightn't it be amazing too? Too simply have faith that the lightning, when it flashes, will strike close enough for you to grasp hold of and ride out the storm upon.

I am learning to ride out life's storms, the ones involving time, people, problems, and solutions- with faith and hope. The hardest part though is waiting for my ride to show up.


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Photo Credit: Andrew Lucas

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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Urban Jungle


Occasionally, I find myself with unlimited amounts of time in which I can simply think and do nothing. I am by nature a doer however, I am also by nature and personality type a thinker and introvert. There is lots of time to be wasted on a day such as today. I can either drive myself mad with questions and problems I've no solution to or I could daydream about, well, anything actually.

Today the daydream was a bit imaginative. Call it the Lioness. I considered, and pondered, and mused what life as a biological lioness is like. I figured it is of course hot and  requires a lot of traveling, hunting, and sleeping. I suppose that could become tiring just sitting in the same tree every day or roaming the same stretch of desert each evening. I am sure the thrill of chasing down your prey is an adrenaline rush but the time-consuming task of having to eat 40 lbs. of meat just turns me off.

So, I considered a human, urban lioness. One which prowls through life always watching and waiting for the most opportune time to use their own special skill set. Each day setting out upon the same narrow path with unyielding determination, yet always recognizing when something is slightly askew or perhaps, awry. Protecting with fierce loyalty her mate, cubs, and values. Amber hues always summing up the small intuitive details others miss, noting the difference between the outer persona and inner self. Hidden behind the fur garments lays a playful spirit, brought about by those she trusts and has accepted within her pride.

Her manicure is nondescript unless goaded, allowing them to then bare in defense. And like the biological lioness, it takes only one small thing, a quill's dig to make an enemy of her. Her tail, her walk speaks its own language, hinting at her moods begging the listener to come hither or merely just watch with envy. But, ahh, when she lays her eyes upon the One,  a  low purr softly emanates from her being as she strokes alongside him. The rasp of her form against his slowly begins a dance that ends not. Their bond unbreakable within the urban jungle.

Yes, today I am a lioness and I will wander with my pride no matter where the wind settles the sand.


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Picture Credit: Mark Cadogan

Complexity Be, Complex Me

Complexity Be, Complex Me

A picture story, which attempts to capture the uncapturable essence of who I was, who I am, and who I will be.

  1. A book or teddy bear does not a human make. Neglect has tendrils which shoot out and entwine every piece of your being and existence.

  2. To use a child's trust and innocence against them for your own sick gains and pleasures does  not a man make.

  3. Children can be so very mean, not even understanding the impact of their words and actions on an already fragile soul.

  4. At some point one must escape mentally, emotionally, and physically.

  5. Just when you believe you have been found from your escape a new torment arises in your life.

  6. A gift from one who has harmed your soul in the most treacherous of ways allows forgiveness and growth. The possibility to mature and give love in a way you never were able to attain.

  7. And then the tide washes away the old and brings upon the shore a new beginning. Love.

  8. Faith is restored and renewed and the dreams from childhood emerge from the dark corners of the mind, no longer hiding who you are meant to be.

  9. What the tide has brought in encircles its catch with the promise of a life spent together.

  10. Once more another soul joins the lot to make the three now four.

  11. 10 years later the past is a dim memory. The girls have grown intelligent and lovely. Their dreams are shared with me and the cycle has been broken.

  12. I've found my way back to school and found I am more intelligent than I thought I was. Working on two medical field degrees at the same time as an honors student.

  13. I allowed my childhood dream of writing to re-emerge and have begun blogging in a personal journal style.

  14. In the end I have found that when it is destined, Love endures.

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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Falsely Yours

Falsely Yours

This captures the duality and complexity of who I have been, who I am, and who I am yet to be.

The Search


I am human.
No, you must be humane.
I am so clever.
No, you must be intelligent.
I am religious.
But, have you found your spirit yet?


© Copyright 2013,

Photo Credit: Exper Giovanni Rubaltelli

That Which Lies Beneath the Shroud


Many people hide behind a shroud, never fully realizing their potential or sharing their gifts. It seems to me, who has been guilty of this type of behavior, the shroud is actually the outside image we use to feel safe. There is a fear associated with projecting the inner person. Why this is, I know not.

Are we afraid of judgement and rejection? I know I am. I am always slightly on edge around people. My inner voice prompting me to not be too loud, laugh at their jokes, nod in agreement--even when these actions are a direct contradiction to who I really am. I find myself doing this to fit in or be accepted by my peers. It's really a shame though because I instinctively know when committing these acts that I could give two figs about the person. Meaning, once I am away from the person I do not feel endeared to them.

I believe what I fear the most is the words, judgements, and actions that happen after I leave. I always wonder did I make a good impression or are they over there laughing like hyenas at my idiocy. I am realizing though that the fear of projecting the true self is  actually quite selfish. I want friends but I don't need friends at the price of dimming my glow. Is there really a need for me to like everyone I meet? I don't think there is.

So, I've decided I will be amicable by smiling and of course giving the day's social greetings of "Good Morning", and so on. I believe in civility even towards those who have wronged you so that also will be given. However, I think focusing on removing my shroud and being the true me, the one who cries at movies, notices beauty everywhere, is overly sensitive, and too logical and analytical at times is the right path for me to traverse. Those meant to be in my life as friend or family will appreciate my honesty in upholding and showing who I am and their sharing of the same will be a gift to me.  Those who don't will move on, and now, today, I am alright with losing some dead weight.


© Copyright 2013,

Photo Credit: Perceptive Artista



Walk with me, I’m on the prowl.

Looking for the next soul, who won’t make me their victim.

From the shadows emerges the thoroughbred’s heart.

Shy but ready for the race to start.

Look at me a moment, let your mind not speak.

See how the many moons have tried this heart.

Don't hint at reciprocation, value your intentions.

Because, even the coldest heart thaws within the Sun’s embrace.


© Copyright 2013, 

Photo Credit: June Peony

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Impatience Be


Damn it, Impatience! You've done it again. Each day I think to myself I am going to be patient because when I am not patient I have a nasty attitude and get so easily frustrated that it makes me act out of character. This, I do not like.

To be quite frank, I am sick of you. I think it would serve us both well if you packed up your arsenal of things that make me impatient and move onto a person whose life and career is in need of such things. Perhaps, a Wall Street Broker? I don't care as long as you leave here.

I am ready to take back my mellow and work on my Zen. Toodles for now Impatience. Oh! There's no need to write or visit; I'll be too busy to play with you any longer.


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Photo Credit - Impatience by Ileana Hunter

Inspirational Blogger Award


I was meandering through the spam and fluff mail last night when I noticed an email from Anewwe saying s/he nominated me for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. To say the least, I was flattered and stunned at the same time. I haven't been blogging on Wordpress for long, in fact, I just moved from Tumblr. I can say though that the nomination is appreciated as inspiring readers is one of my goals alongside simply being myself through penned chaos.

 So again, thank you Anewwe! And, Please check out Anewwe's blog!


7 Things about Me

 I adore the color green. Something about the subtle hues of a Paris Green to the chroma of an Emerald Green, regardless of tint or shade I simply cannot look anywhere without recognizing the color and its endless placement on Earth.

I am a coffee junkie. I am enamored with the scent of coffee and the way it ushers me from bed, clearing the haze. Hot or cold weather is of no consequence, I drink it year round. The one drawback is I am not an elitist coffee drinker. I've no need for Starbucks and the likes. Give me a Mr. Coffee coffeemaker and a pack of Folgers and I'm content.

I devour books. Reading has always been an escape of mine alongside writing. I love meeting new characters, spying on their lives, judging their actions, and living within their realm. Oh, and the convenience! To be able to take a book anywhere and prop it open and escape is a dream. The only thing that can damage it is the water but if you're a true book lover this matters little, you know a way to dry the book out. So different from technology based books, don't you think?

I am an INFJ. For those who don't know, an INFJ is the rarest personality type, affecting less than 1.5% of the world's total population. INFJs are Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging. INFJs are known as the protector.  I sit in good company with Gandhi who was also an INFJ. INFJs tend to be gentle, caring, complex, artistic and creative. They also value order and hidden meanings. Now, do not mistake the INFJ as a loner or shy because they most certainly are genuinely warm hearted with those they know and trust.

I have OCD. My OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) centers around order and symmetry. I like and need things to be aligned, symmetrical, and just so to feel at ease. When I see chairs out of place, crooked pictures, or messy houses I cringe and do one of two things fix it or walk away/leave if it is not my home. Further, I have what is known as GPS which falls under the OCD spectrum. Grammatical Pedantry Syndrome. Pedantry is common within OCD. In this, the sufferer must correct speech or fastidiously follow rules. Basically, I am a Grammar Nazi.

I watch the History Channel nearly every evening. I love learning about ancient civilizations and discoveries. Some of my favorite shows are: Brad Meltzer's Decoded, Ancient Aliens, and America's Book of Secrets. "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it." ~Santayana

I love Willow Trees. I love weeping willows and it has been my long-standing dream to write a novel while under the fronds of the tree. There is something intrinsically romantic and relaxing about the Willow Tree that simply cannot be denied.Coincidentally, these trees happen to be gifted with green leaves, hehe.

Now for my 15 Nominations I'll say only this: I nominate them because their writing and creativity speak to me on a level above regurgitated ick and nonsensical fluff. So thank you nominees for giving me great blogs and authors to follow!

My 15 Nominees

 - Trinity -


Hurdles to Happiness

Poetry by Skull

Poetry on a Roll

Allmost relevant

Writings of a Mrs

Mostly Bright Ideas

Words Like Silk

Living Thoreauly

Script of Life

Typically Totally Me

Medicated Words

The Course of Our Seasons

Ironic Mom

Congrats to the nominees, and may you all experience penned chaos!




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Monday, June 24, 2013

I am


I am most times not who or what people think I am.

Set aside your preconceived notions.

Look deeper than the superficial.

Find the complex soul that lays beneath.

I simply am.


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Dancing With Death


The leaf that falls from the grace of the branch in autumn is not dead.

Its hidden colors have finally been realized as it dances upon the wind's gust.

It settles upon the pavers for a short rest,then is once more kicked up again within the tempest.

Pivoting, Pirouetting, Wheeling then descending.

A soul happens along and hears the leaf speak in its quiet tone beckoning one last caress.

Within the hand's gentle embrace the leaf lingers as its adorer outlines each veins trail with wide eyes.

Their time together has passed.

Taking flight once more leaving its lover with wonder at the colors and the grace.

A brush with the idea of dancing with death.

~Divine Chaos

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Would I?


I came across this picture today and it got me to thinking. I hadn't intended to write about this question today, but fate had other plans for my writing, I suppose.

I considered the question for  some time. Torn between the mental list of pros and cons. As honestly as I could, I ticked off negative habits and personality traits. I did this first because on the bright side no matter how bad it is the pro-list was something to look forward to. Since I am over-analytical the list was getting quite long. So, as not to bruise my poor little ego, I decided to list the pros. Oddly enough this list was considerably harder to make.

What does one really like about themselves? Is it really truth or just our own personal perception of who we are. I believe   I am funny but my humor is a bit sarcastic which is offensive to some. I think I keep a neat home even if I am not endowed with the financial means to live like others I know but, yet again, maybe this could be misconstrued as a side effect of my OCD diagnosis. I think I am strong, however, I have a tendency to show strength through stoicism and not through out-right honest vulnerability. I think I am a decent cook, but lament over my inability to buy and eat locally and organically due to cost. I think I am well-intentioned even though it may not seem so because I often over-emotional. I  think I am a good friend; up for talking, outings, laughing, and empathizing but lately I look about and find no friends in the true sense, so of course this makes me negate the good friend pro. I am generally an honest person but once again I recall that my delivery can really suck.

With a sigh I thought, "This could go on all day, me negating every pro with its opposing con."

I decided in the end to chuck the mental list and just keep being me. I believe in change, growth, and evolving self. So it makes no difference if I would like me if I met me because who I was yesterday is not who I am today or will be tomorrow. I figure the friends I am  to have will find me and stay, and the ones who have come and gone are no longer needed on my path of change, growth, self evolution.

The one thing I did realize though is that I, faults and all, am worthy of people liking me and if they don't then I am not missing out, they are because beneath my exterior  lays divine chaos and anything from the divine is treasured, at least by me if not others. So, yeah, I would and do like me.


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Friday, June 21, 2013

Life's Fragility


Far too often I forget that I am actually a  fragile soul as are others. Society, life experience, and the world in general conspire to command strength. And, therein lies the eternal paradox. Of course no one wants to be so fragile they cannot stand life's slings. The truth is we want life and people to accept us without pity or drama. You won't always know how fragile you or another is, but know this, fragility lays within us all.

Maintaining a rough exterior to guard a fragile heart and soul can be exhausting. Though we walk on from the past hurts and pain, the ego will occasionally sneak up on you when you have your guard down and your fragility is exposed for all to see. For instance, when you feel discarded as a friend, or hear something unkind said about or to you, or even when a mere stranger cannot afford to look you in the eye. Truly it could be anything, we just forget that we were made to be fragile and strong at the same time.

What's the harm in being fragile? Well, nothing intrinsically, yet it can cause issues you later find yourself having to re-evaluate. Fragile souls tend to take things personally, more personally than any person should. This can lead to a fear of making friends or becoming cynical with those you come into contact with.The fear of being rejected, scorned, lied to, emotionally hurt, or judged firmly lodges fragility more deeply within the essence of a person. Many times, others have no clue just how fragile one might be.

We each go on about our day, forgetting to say hello and goodbye not realizing that may be the only greeting one gets that day. We forget to smile when that may be a gift to another. We forget to assume everyone is working with their best intentions.We forget that we've no true understanding of the other person and their struggles or life experiences.Quite simply, we forget to be human with each other.

We participate in typecasting each other, gossiping, judging, and putting on masks. This can only be for one of two reasons: we are fragile and must lift ourselves up at the expense of another or we refuse to see the fragility of another being.

It is time to own our fragility while taking responsibility for the fragile souls of those around us. How else will we ever evolve? Today, embrace fragility wholeheartedly in yourself, your family, your friends, society and the world at large. Then carry that embrace into each day, because we are all fragile on some level and will want a kind embrace.


© Copyright 2013,

Flutter Bye


A butterfly alit atop my sanguine pout.

It gave me pause to pass a thought.

The words to be spoken,

the butterfly taught

they are all for naught.


© Copyright 2013,

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Love this artwork and the definition to compliment it! ~DivineChaos




1. melting or wasting away.

2. Biology (disease): of, relating to, or produced by syntexis - melting or wasting away.

Etymology: Greek syntēktikos - able to liquefy, liquefactive, from syntēktos (verbal of syntēkein - to dissolve, liquefy).

[Camilla d’Errico]

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Quiet Place Project

Interesting app available in chrome. Not sure about other browsers but it certainly gives you a break. New and growing. Could use some followers.

The Quiet Place Project

You can do anything if you stop trying to do everything

Enjoyed it!

Post by Oliver Emberton:

You can do anything if you stop trying to do everything

View Post on Quora


I saw this picture today while doing some picture surfing this morning. It is a picture from National Geographics 2013 Picture contest, still ongoing. It resonated with me in three deep, yet different ways.

Firstly, the grandeur and beauty is apparent. You simply can not miss it. Yet how often in our everyday lives do we allow our natural gifts to simply be what they are and display them? I am talking about display for no personal gain, simply being who we are and displaying it with no apologies. Without wondering who is staring at us or judging us. Without even knowing ourselves that we are displaying that divine spark which is the essence of who we are.

Secondly, how often do we as humans put on a display to mask the trueness of who we are due to fear of myriad things? We walk into a room with a grin painted across sanguine lips to belie our inner feelings of not being welcome of fitting in. We talk loudly to drown out the greatness of others which might somehow reveal our own inferiority. We talk loud to be the center of attention because we crave it.

Or the displays we put out into the world to make and keep friends? The displays to not be stigmatized by homosexuality, HIV, poverty, homelessness, lack of education, past abuses, mental and mood disorders, etc. The display to appear we have the happiest marriage and homelife?  The display we are better than our actions and choices.

Or how about, when we put on  display the list of issues in our lives in search of sympathy and pity? The parental displays of helicoptering where we pretend to be a parent we just simply cannot be every moment of the day? The display of apologies for our friends, families, and children when we feel they are being judged and by extension, us as well.

Other displays are familiar to us all. The person who won’t say no because they so want to be liked or wish to appear to be doing more than the next. The person who displays mock friendship yet waits with baited breath for you to leave.

Of course there are those who display for what appear to be selfless reasons but the display of them actually negates their good. Such as, how one is greener than the next or one is more zen than the next, and so on. The very display of what are good intentions many times are simply negated by verbalizing them.

Last but certainly not list, it made me consider what I want to display to myself, my husband, my children, my friends, my co workers, society, and the world. I won’t sit here and tell you I’ve now written out this fabulous list of my new displays but it has created an internal dialogue where I am considering what I do or do not wish to display each day. I think it’s an important conversation to have with one’s self and perhaps once I have a deeper handle on the displays I wish to show and those I wish to go, I won’t feel as though I am on display but rather displaying the me I am meant to be.

I want to get to a place where I and this world need not even know the word display. There will be no displays because we will have accepted the  strengths and weaknesses of ourselves and humanity. In that we display without knowledge and that my friend is a trait and ability worth striving towards. I think it will be worth the journey.

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Monday, June 17, 2013

Blessings Count

Many days I find myself asking why me? Being human I am prone to the same self-defeating attitudes as anyone else can be. But recently I have been doing some major soul searching. What I’ve found is several things.

Not everyone is going to like you
Not everyone who smiles at you is your friend
Those who gossip with you will gossip about you
Not everyone wants to see you succeed
You will not always succeed
The past is exactly where it needs to be
I can be anything and anyone I want despite the doubters
Habits are hard to break but totally worth it in the end
I am worth more than I and others sometimes give me credit for
I am far more richly blessed than I care to remember some days

Number 10 is the clincher though. I am richly blessed, Not in wealth, not in a voluminous number of friends, not by pure unbridled genius, but rather, in love, ability, intelligence, intention, dedication, determination,and perseverance.

I am going to make myself a special little jar after this post and everytime I feel down, discouraged, disliked, or unable I am going to jot down one reason I am richly blessed. I think I will leave my jar alone until I find the perfect time to open it. Not a holiday because I don’t want to tie this into some holiday ritual or tradition but maybe on my birthday or after a big life accomplishment.

Blessings are not religious, they are innately spiritual and they do count. So I am going to begin to fill my jar. Maybe you could make one too, my friends.

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